How To Do T-Tapp Plies for BEST Results!

How To Do T-Tapp Plies for BEST Results!

If you have ever done a T-Tapp workout, you are familiar with the T-Tapp Plies. Yes plies are a part of many different fitness programs, especially barre and dance programs. But Teresa Tapp had her own special way of doing plies that made them accessible to even us non-dance mortals.

Over the years, Teresa Tapp modified the T-Tapp plie and gave different options on how to do it to get the best inch loss results. While this was super helpful, it also created some confusion.

We T-Tappers want the exact way to do the moves. When we are given options, we don’t know what to do. 🤪🙏 It leads to confusion.

That’s why I wanted to do T-Tapp Plies as the Move of the Week. Let’s see if this video will help clear up the “how to do T-Tapp Plies” confusion.

Before you watch the video, I do want to say that every one of us has a unique bone structure. We are all “built” differently. Some of us have wide hip bones and others are more narrow. Some of us have long legs and others have short legs.

Teresa Tapp taught us about different body types and categorized us into 3 main types. Long torso/short leg (which is what her body type was…to an extreme), short torso/long legs and combos. She use to tell us that T-Tapp works for ALL body types.

This is true. But it is also true that modifications are needed often depending on your body type. So if you’ve tried to do a wide stance plie with a bigger foot turn out and it didn’t feel good to your body… YOU WEREN’T DOING IT WRONG! Doesn’t knowing this feel good? 💃💕

It just means it wasn’t the best option for your body. Try a more narrow stance with less turn out of the feet. You won’t go down as low but you will feel so much better and be in the correct position for YOU!!!

Play with the options I share in the video and find the “goldilocks” position for YOU. Just right!

I do have two tips that will help us all…

  1. Don’t tuck! I know…it’s been drilled into your T-Tapp head. But I’m going to wash it out now. Think about drawing your tailbone down to the earth instead of tucking.

  2. When you go down (bending the knees), think about sliding your back down the wall. This will keep your shoulders in alignment with your hips and that’s where you will get your best results!!!

    Can’t wait to hear your experience with this.

En-Joy this video and make sure to comment with your experience! Happy Tapping!




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