The Best Amino Acid Supplement for Weight Loss
Is there actually a supplement that can help you lose weight?
Most “weight loss” supplements are based on ingredients that either raise the temperature of your body (thermogenics) or that speed you up. These are not great solutions for long-term, healthy weight loss.
But I have found a supplement that DOES help with weight loss AND is healthy long-term. It’s not only healthy, but essential for healthy aging.
This is an essential amino acid supplement call Perfect Aminos by BodyHealth. PerfectAmino® is comprised of pure Essential Amino Acids in an exact ratio that is 99% utilized to build new protein and collagen in the body – without the calories.
The word “essential” means these are amino acids the body can’t produce on it’s own and you must ingest them. Essential also means they are needed and needed everyday to help our body to be optimally healthy.
If we don’t get all 8 in this exact ratio, the body is forced to break down muscle tissue in order to get the missing aminos. When you are looking to lose weight, breaking down muscle is NOT what you want to do. 🤪
For more information about the science of protein and amino acids and the critical role it plays in keeping your body strong and healthy, click this link and get Dr. Minkoff’s ebook called “The Search for the Perfect Protein”. It is a fascinating read and will give you a great understanding of the huge role amino acids play in our body.
If you are trying to lose weight, PerfectAmino can help in two ways:
First, it can help build lean muscle, which in turn burns fat. The more muscle you have on your body, the more fat it will burn to feed this muscle. Amino acids are also necessary to make Thyroid, Lipase, Glucogen and HGH, which each have a role in fat-burning.
The second way is by replacing low-utilization protein powders with PerfectAmino. Over 80% of protein powders are converted to sugar in the body, not protein. This sugar triggers a hormone called insulin to shuttle the sugar to the cells for energy production. But when there is more sugar than the body needs, the insulin converts the sugar into body fat (energy for later). At the same time as all of the above, the insulin also suppresses the enzyme Lipase, which is responsible for burning body fat, effectively ensuring that fat is not burned while sugar is in the bloodstream and for about 10-12 hours thereafter. Replacing these powders with Perfect Amino, which is 99% utilized as protein, gets you the same amount of protein or more, while cutting out the high sugar content and insulin spike. And it will not break a fast.
Intermittent Fasting & Ketosis using Perfect Amino:
With the Keto diet many people have trouble taking away their body’s accustomed energy source (sugar) without, at the same time, giving it what it actually needed in the first place: usuable amino acids to build the body’s structure.
When adding in Perfect Amino, most people who had trouble with their Keto diet or the “Keto Flu”, now find they are able to follow through with it. And adding in Perfect Amino will not add calories onto this or take them out of Ketosis, it will only enhance their gains.
With Intermittent Fasting we are trying to do something very similar to Keto. We are trying to remove sugar from the bloodstream long enough to lower Insulin levels and turn back on Lipase for fat burning. This often happens after about 10-12 hours of fasting.
The problem has been that food sources that provide calories will break the fast. But, if you’re working out during this fast, you also risk losing muscle without the amino acids from protein.
Perfect Amino solves this. As 1 serving of Perfect Amino is only 2-4 calories, less than your fasting blood sugar levels, it will not break a fast. At the same time, it will give your muscles what they need in order to recover during and after a fasted workout, and so prevent muscle loss.
Many people who fast between dinner one day and lunch time the next day take 2 servings of Perfect Amino first thing in the morning. This gives them a perfect start to the day, with everything their body needs protein-wise, but also does not break the fast, so they are able to continue losing weight from it while maintaining lean muscle.
You can get Perfect Aminos in different forms:
Perfect Aminos comes in tablets and powder
Great to have different ways to take your Perfect Aminos
I take Perfect Aminos in tablet form. I don’t have any difficulty swallowing them but I know some people can’t swallow tablets. No worries. Perfect Aminos also come in powdered form (2 flavors - mixed berry which is my favorite and lime). You just add a scoop to water or other liquid like tea and drink it.
You can also get your Perfect Aminos in a meal replacement shake or bars. This is a great way to get the perfect protein along with healthy fats and low glycemic veggies all in one fell swoop! And they are delicious.
Perfect Amino Products are very Affordable!
I’ve been researching other essential amino acid products that are available now. While many of them look excellent, they are also much more expensive. They might have additional ingredients in them but for me…I’ll just take my essential amino acids without anything else…no fillers… Remember that these can be substituted for food.
How much are you paying for your meat, fish, chicken and of course for health purposes, these should also be organic and wild (not farm raised). I’m not suggesting not eating other protein sources. We get other nutrition from these too. But as a protein source, Perfect Aminos is a great value.
Right now BodyHealth is having their annual Spring sale. Use SPRING in the coupon code box at check out and get an additional 25-45% off most of their great products!!
Can’t wait to hear your own success story using Perfect Aminos to assist with your weight loss. Combine it with my Original Barre classes and watch your body get tight, toned and strong…quickly.