T-Tapp Best Results with Fascia Fitness


T-Tapp BEST Results with Fascia Fitness!

 Have you been doing your T-Tapp Workout and not getting the results you were hoping for?  OR have you been getting results from your T-Tapp Workout but you are ready to take it up a notch?Even if you are new to the T-Tapp Workout...you really want to check out this recorded class package I put together called Fascia Fitness Retreat Package.  

What is fascia?

Fascia is a collagen-rich, stretchy tissue that forms an uninterrupted web within our entire body.  It has different thicknesses and sizes and can be divided into 2 types - superficial and deep.  Fascia is multi-layered and designed to slide among its layers to a limited degree.  It envelops EVERY part of our body!One of the largest fascia configurations in the body is known as "trousers" and is composed of a massive sheet of fascia that crosses over the knees and ends near the waist, giving the appearance of short leggings or trousers.  The fascia trouser is thicker around the knees, and gets thinner as it continues up the legs, hips and then thickens again near the waist.  When the fascia trouser is healthy it acts like a girdle giving the body a nice firm shape.When we don't move much, the fascia get bound up and dehydrated and then the layers don't move easily.  People often mistake the sensation of their muscles being stretched with their fascia being stretched.  If you suffer with tight, bound fascia, the pulling you might feel is most likely your fascia being stretched.  If the fascia around a muscle is tight, the muscle bundle inside with be incapable of stretching beyond the limited range of the tight fascia!This is why moving and learning the best ways to unbind your fascia is critical if you want to lose inches and tighten up!  You can't get the best results when your fascia is bound!

Why the Fascia Fitness Retreat Package?

Teresa Tapp talked about the power of fascia for years...way before most people had ever heard about it.  She incorporated moves designed to get unbind the fascia into her workouts.  The last fitness retreat she taught (in 2017) she called Fascia Fitness and she added additional moves that were designed to get even better results.I loved that retreat and the new information and moves she shared..  I added the slow, gentle moves I'd learned to get the fascia moving and put it all together and taught this new version of the T-Tapp workout in my live, online classes over the next few months (and we continue to do these now).  The results we all got were exceptional!We saw our whole body loosen up and then tighten up!  Inches were melted away and we all felt even better in our body!I highly recommend getting this Fascia Fitness Retreat Package of recorded classes!  Do them in the order they are in the package and you will be blown away by the results you get.Please come back here and share your experience and results!!!!


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