4 Minutes To Fabulous Feet

Let's work our feet!!!

Teresa Tapp was a such a fitness and rehab visionary.  Many years ago she released her Finger and Foot workout.  In this workout, she showed us the importance of “working” our feet and gave us many different moves we could use to keep our feet healthy.  I absolutely love(d) this workout and recommended it all the time.  The benefits I personally received from these moves were so helpful and I've always included foot work in all my classes.

Teresa would do a long foot workout in many our Fitness Retreats.  When we were done with that workout, I would feel like I was walking on pillows of air.  The difference in how I felt in my body was extraordinary!  Not only did my feet feel like light, fluffy pillows, but I felt lighter all through my body.  I also noticed my balance was much better!  This is because our feet have thousands of nerve endings that help you not only feel the floor but also send signals up the body to help you understand your movements better. And guess what helps relay that information???  FASCIA!!!

Going barefoot can help increase proprioception, the awareness of how your body moves in space. When you stimulate the nerves of the foot, you get a better understanding of what you're standing on and how you're stepping, and it starts to shape your overall movement. This is why I workout without shoes.  Cushioned shoes block this floor-to-foot connection (especially those with “extra support” and stability)  Working out with your bare feet on the ground also means you can better activate through your glutes and core.

Now let's take this idea up a few notches by doing this 4 minute play with a tennis or therapeutic ball.  I'm using a therapeutic ball in this video but highly recommend just using a simple tennis ball.  It is hard enough to get a good fascia release but squishy enough to do it without too much pain.  😜Watch the video and play along with me.  This 4 minute "move" will have you walking on air and the difference in how your feet (and the whole rest of your body) feel is so obvious it will blow you away.

A few of the benefits of doing this 4 minute foot moves are...

  • Reduction in foot and lower leg pain

  • Helping recover from Plantar Fasciitis

  • Stronger, more stable ankles

  • Reduction in pain in knees and even hips

  • Increase in energy

  • Better balance and stability

  • Higher metabolic rate over time

Love to hear your experience with this 4 Minutes to Fabulous Feet workout.  Try it and come back and comment!

Here's to Tootsie Power!!! 🐾🦶👏   


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