30 Minute Gentle Somatic Yoga Class/Relax and Release!

Relax! Release Tension From Your Whole Body!

Ready to relax your nervous system and unwind all your tense, contracted muscles?  If so, this is the Gentle Somatic Yoga class for YOU!!In this short 30 minutes, you'll use the power of breathing, gentle movement and "pandiculation" to shift your nervous system from "fight or flight" to "rest and restore".  You'll release tension in your body you are consciously and subconsciously holding and restore it back into a more balanced, relaxed state.

Pandiculation is achieved by the mindful choice to engage a specific muscle group. Once the muscle group is sufficiently loaded, then we use body’s weight in combination with the natural force of gravity as information of how to slowly and smoothly disengage the same muscle group. Once this muscle group has reached its fullest range of motion without pain or strain, then we release all muscular effort before moving on to the next repetition. This conscious process helps to re-pattern and strengthen the brain-to-muscle connection so that we can regain voluntary control of our physiology (self-healing). It also resets the muscle to a longer and more optimal length when it is in a resting position. Thus, a person maintains better flexibility, strength, and coordination. This can also be called neuromuscular re-education.

Don't just read these words.  Get on the floor.  Gather pillows around you.  Get your favorite beverage.  Put a sign on your door..."DO NOT disturb me!  I'm getting my stretch on!!!"Love to hear your experience with this class.  Please leave a comment either below or on YouTube.

Want more?  Check out this class package of 14 different recorded Gentle Somatic Yoga classes you can do whenever you need to relax!  Which, by the way...is every day!  😎Pay the love forward by sharing it with those you love!

Stay safe, healthy and happy!


15 Minute T-Tapp Floor Class


4 Minutes To Fabulous Feet