Want to Lose 11 inches in 3 Days?

Catherine Smith did it! 

But wait until you hear her whole healing journey...

 Catherine Smith began her healing journey with T-Tapp when she was in "intractable pain", immobile, had to use a walker to get around, on 12 different medications including strong pain meds and Doctors telling her there was nothing else they could do for her.  She would just have to get used to living like this for the rest of her life.  She was only in her early 40's!

Catherine knew in her heart this was NOT her destiny.  She prayed to find an answer and found it in T-Tapp!

Fast forward to 2015!  She won the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge in the health category and she also had lost 22 inches.  She was completely mobile, off most of her medications.

Coming to the T-Tapp Fitness Retreat was a dream come true for Catherine.  Meeting Teresa Tapp and the other T-Tappers and becoming part of our supportive community transformed her life.  She even lost 11 inches in those 3 days and was blown away.

Fast forward to last October...Catherine became a T-Tapp Trainer in order to share her healing journey and this wonderful workout with others who feel they are out of options!

Fast forward to NOW!  Catherine just won the T-Tapp 60 Day Challenge again!  She lost 33 inches during this 60 Day Challenge! She is on NO medications!!!Please take the time to listen to this inspiring interview I had the honor of doing with Catherine  and share it with everyone you love!

BTW...If she can do it...YOU can do it!!!!


100 Pound Weight Loss and No Loose Skin with T-Tapp!


What Do Swing Dancing And T-Tapp Have in Common??