4 Minute Move to Boost Energy

Could you use an energy boost right now? One that doesn’t give you the jittery energy you get from caffeine but instead leaves you feeling energized, awake and fully “alive”! This energy boosting move will also help to clear out the cobwebs from your brain so it’s great to do first thing in the morning to set you up for success in your day.

Begin with 10 repetitions and build up to 20 repetitions. Always begin by checking in with yourself, noticing how you feel. Then do the energy booster and check in again. Body scans before and after energy boosting moves are helpful because they will give you a somatic (feeling your self from the inside) sense of how they helped you open up your energy centers and what it feels like to have your energy flowing in a healthy, balanced way.

In-Joy this move. Love to hear how it works for you. Leave a comment on my youtube channel and make sure to subscribe to my channel so you get notified when I post more videos to help you experience your healthy, vibrant self through joyful movement.




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