Is Gentle Somatic Yoga Right for YOU?

Is Gentle Somatic Yoga right for you?

If you aren’t comfortable in your body, feeling tension, pain and stiffness, this class is custom designed for YOU.

Our human body was not designed for our sedentary lifestyle. When we are stressed out, sitting all the time, typing, texting...we end up in body positions that create poor posture and tight, contracted muscles. Then we think if we just STRETCH, that will take care of the problem.

But stretching, while it might feel good at the moment, doesn’t take care of the problem. As a matter of fact, it’s been shown to actually create tighter muscles due to our stretch reflex which is designed to stop us from over stretching. It’s like putting on the gas and the brake at the same time.

Gentle Somatic Yoga doesn’t stretch the muscles. Instead, we work at the root cause of the issues which is…the BRAIN!

The brain controls our muscles. The brain loses control over these muscles when we are constantly using poor posture, causing them to remain contracted. The moves in this class give control back to the brain allowing the muscles to relax and lengthen.

The technique we use is called “pandiculation”. We contract a muscle and then very slowly release it allowing it to lengthen and then we completely relax all the tension. This is re-educating the brain and bringing those muscles back under your brain’s control.

Do the class with me and focus on my cuing. These moves are done slowly and mindfully. You are going to be blown away with the results.

Make sure to bookmark this page so you can come back and do this short flow at least a couple of times a week. Become aware of the movement patterns you do all through your day and start to change those patterns to be more nourishing to your body.

En-Joy this class and let me know your experience with it.

Want more flows and more Gentle Somatic Class options? Check out my recorded class package of Classes HERE!


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