2 New Immune Boosting Products! Check out. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ

A Review!

 During these times of raging COVID and the flu season about to hit, it is mission critical we do everything we can to keep our immune systems strong. Eating well, moving everyday, relaxing, getting good quality sleep are all essential to keeping up our immune system. Giving ourselves the best nutrition in the form of targeted supplements is also critical.

When I look for supplements, I make sure the company that formulates and makes those supplements is a top quality company that doesn't "scrimp" on the best ingredients and even the best delivery systems possible.  I have used and worked with so many companies over the years and I found there aren't many I would recommend.  Over the past several years, I have mostly recommended the products from BodyHealth.

Their flagship product, PerfectAmino's is a product I take every single day. I've done a review about Perfect Aminos and will continue to recommend it because it's just that powerful, effective and innovative.  BodyHealth continues to bring us cutting edge products at very affordable prices .  The have just released 2 more innovative and effective immune boosting products I wanted to share with you. 

H2 Infuse!

H2 Infuse is a tablet you put in water and it releases H2 (hydrogen gas) into the water. You drink it (practically tasteless) and it infuses your cells with that extra hydrogen. Hydrogen is one of natureโ€™s secret weapons when it comes to protecting your health and supporting your immune system - and getting enough hydrogen in your system has never been so easy. The advanced H2 Infuse formulation harnesses the natural reaction of magnesium and water to create a supplemental hydrogen concentration in water or any non-carbonated beverage.

Not only is hydrogen a powerful antioxidant that selectively targets the most toxic free radicals, but it also supports cellular balance and your bodyโ€™s innate ability to fight off illness and maintain optimal health. It is perfect for anyone looking for a simple, safe, and effective way to boost health, improve athletic performance, and keep the body at peak performance! It is a highly effective and yet gentle antioxidant that targets harmful hydroxyl radicals in your system, while at the same time supporting cellular balance and promoting proper gene expression.

The benefits of supplemental H2 include a wide range of immune-supportive and health benefits, including:

  • Little-to-no side effects or risks

  • Gentle yet effective antioxidant that targets the most toxic free radicals in your system

  • Helps the cells in your body achieve and maintain homeostasis

  • Reduce and helps prevent oxidative stress

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Improve athletic performance

  • Reduce the risk and symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimerโ€™s and Parkinsonโ€™s)

  • Indicated as an effective adjunct for cancer prevention and treatment regimens

Supported by science โ€“ Supplemental H2 Infuse More than 1,000 studies have demonstrated benefits in preventing and treating over 170 common diseases, including Alzheimerโ€™s, diabetes, and others.

The power of hydrogen in the field of medicine is the subject of vast amounts of research and development โ€“ and the jury is in: It works. H2 Infuse is the result of extensive scientific research into the best method to make supplemental H2 safe, easy, and effective. A single tablet placed in a 500ml glass of water generates roughly 10ppm of molecular hydrogen in just a few minutes โ€“ one of the highest concentrations available.

Elderberry + Vitamin C liquid

The second product is their new Elderberry + Vitamin C liquid. Elderberry, also known as โ€œnatureโ€™s medicine chest,โ€ is a potent antiviral that can reduce the length and severity of the flu by several days โ€“ and it starts working immediately!

The unique phytonutrients found in these berries directly target viruses in your system, rendering them less able to multiply, and easier for your body to kill โ€“ and you need this defense now, more than ever.

What's so special about Elderberries:

  • Naturally high in vitamin-C

  • An excellent source of phenolic acids

  • High in the beneficial flavonols quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin

  • Dense in anthocyanins, giving the fruit it's rich dark black-purple color

The benefits of elderberry provide an array of benefits beyond fighting viruses, including:

  • Antioxidants to neutralize free radicals

  • Boosts the function of both innate and adaptive immune function

  • Reduces swelling in your sinuses and relieving of congestion

  • Improve vision

  • Improve cardiovascular health

  • Enhance brain health

Now, combine that with Vitamin C, one of natureโ€™s top essential antioxidants, and you get the ultimate win, with the added benefits of: Improved white blood cell function* Improved blood pressure*A lowered risk of heart disease*Enhanced brain and memory protection*

Now you can see why I love BodyHealth's products.  They are painstakingly formulated and packaged to be as powerful and effective as possible and yet still affordable.  Right now it is so important to keep up a strong immune system and these products, along with Perfect Amino's are the PERFECT tools for our immunity toolbox! 


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