Lighten Up Tension, Pain and STRESS!!

START Moving With Joy and Ease!

Has the stress of life left you feeling exhausted and old?

Have you been stressed out, sedentary and simply not taking good care of YOU? Are you in pain, feeling tight and contracted in your body? Have lost your energy and zest for life? Are you looking for a way back to your youthful, vital self? If so…You have found your solution!

Have you ever noticed that your physical life as “energy” is always moving forward?

When you align with that flow as “energy” and move your body in divine and joyful ways, you allow life energy to flow through you in a fluid, healthy way. When you stop moving, you stop that healthy flow and your body stagnates, de-hydrates and begins to decay and age.

If you have been sitting (and stressing) a lot, you can feel the stagnation in your body, which is counter to your natural energetic flow in this world. It shows up as stiffness, pain, immobility and even anxiety and depression.

You get to a point where you don’t want to move because you’re afraid it will be too uncomfortable. This creates a negative cycle that doesn’t have a joyful ending.

Remember, you are “energy” in form and, as such, have the capacity to change how you are going to experience your life.

Doing traditional “exercise” isn’t your answer. It can lead to more pain if you aren’t very careful. We now know that extreme exercise (“extreme” meaning to YOUR body) simply creates MORE stress, exhausting adrenal glands and increasing inflammation. Since you are the creator of your life, you have a choice in this moment to change how you are going to create your future.

Stop punishing your body and start moving with joy!

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